Topping last year's program will be downright impossible...perfect subject, awesome faculty for all 3 qtrs, each quarter built upon the previous, and I accomplished 6 major goals including making a film.
This Fall I am enrolled in MediaWorks...not an easy program to get into vs. other programs you can just sign up for...Media Works required a faculty letter of recommendation and an application that looked like a request for 6 critically written essays on film, what is your artistic background to date, "tell us what film inspired you to take this course", etc...not exactly what I thought I was going to be taking...but I was accepted in the second round draft and it will enhance what I started last Spring. This Fall I have no expectations and will be heading out into the world of film/documentaries. According to the syllabus we will learn lighting, sound and sound editing, critical film review, alternative film techniques, work solo and in groups on small projects, write critical reviews and essays, and stretch our brains. I'm taking this program to round out filming skills. I want to include documentary film as a recording of environmental issues. This is a 2 quarter dance. In the Spring there are several environmental programs which will continue to enhance my efforts. Next year (2012-2013) (did I say that?) Intro to Natural Science will have faculty that have backgrounds in areas of interest.
This school year will be different and challenging in more ways than one. In advance of all her heroic efforts in support of my going back to school, a big uber thank you goes out to Marianne. Additional big thank you to my boss and my family....
If you live in the PNW and have not yet gone to the Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge, do it now before it starts to rain. As you walk along the gravel path to the boardwalk look to your right at the snags. You just might catch a glimpse of the resident Kestrel.
School starts Monday September 26th...little over 2 weeks....yikes...!!!
Until then campers keep the sunscreen handy... it is not raining yet!