Saturday, November 6, 2010

First Quarter Final

There are no finals with an s, just one...two hours to write our brains out and as the rest of the quarter has moved so better be prepared or get left in the dust.

I had every intention of writing daily in the blog and moving into the second quarter the will be more likely to happen as writing daily is an assignment, lol....

I must tell you that I have not ever been with such a great group of peeps in a class! Amazing to the last one and bright and I love when they share what's going on with them and their work at Evergreen. Just absolutely amazing folks and I am happy that most of us are continuing next quarter. I will miss those who are moving on to graduation or independent study! Gratz!

This quarter went by so fast and next week will be the last two days in which, we still have a book to read, prepare for the exam, a lecture following the exam, notebook to turn in, self evaluation and instructor evaluation to write. Oh yes and the meeting to go over the evaluations. Then I will be doing a presentation with 5 other of my peers to the provost and board of trustees after eval week.  We already turned in our illustrated field journals. Winter break assignment includes visiting Olympic National Park, hopefully the snow will wait till I'm back, even though I don't know when I am

This week was challenging due to the elections. I found that studying, reading or focusing on schoolwork for those 48 hours was a bust, so I let it go. Today is read the last book and start the serious final cramming, actually cramming is not the right word, I'd say review with an emphasis on "what the hell was that acronym for?" and "omg i can't believe i am not getting that, its sooo simple" then the oh i know that and 10 mins. later you forget.

I know I know all the material, but as another student said "as an introvert, its all there, you just have to find the pathway to let it out" I love that quote....true for most things....and when I'm not trying and someone yells out "hey Bridgid, what does_____ mean?" and I blurt out the answer without even blinking an eye. The brain is a funny thing, a wonderful thing, and I am very grateful to have one that functions. 

I hope as I explore the trails of learning that I fine tune my efforts, I love efficiency, that the energy will be spent wisely.
This was a learning quarter not just for knowledge, but for how things still work on the inside to outside connectively. 

There will be field trips next quarter with one of them spending the night back on the mountain in a cabin (thank the maker) and I look forward to seeing her in all her winter glory!

Till next week (I will be studying till then) keep your snow shoes handy this January and pull out that rain slicker...hopefully will will not need our wellies!