Sunday, September 12, 2010

Doncha just love firsts

Ok you may want to sit down, I'm packed for the field trip and my first 3 days at school. I finished yesterday. Even I am impressed on how much is in that duffle bag and day pack. Thank the maker I can lighten up the day pack once I get to the campground. Usually the packing happens the night before, but not this time. I had a check list and went over it twice, very unlike me. This along with running errands beforehand including buying a replacement nose guard for my glasses. Wouldn't you know that the nose guard fell off while organizing the gear. Mercury doesn't go direct till tomorrow... finally!

Time stamp is 23 hours, 4 minutes till lift off and my foot can't stop wiggling and tapping, all unconsciously of course and surprises the heck out of me every time I notice that it is happening.

I checked my school email and found out we already have homework/reading 
One is a monograph (mono is the key here like in monotone...rofl) but even with the academic speak of tedious repetition I now have a more complete understanding of "Integrating Learning Communities with Service-Learning". Basically we learn best when working with the community we wish to learn about and develop receptivity to different points of reference and foster growth though service. 

The other is two chapters out of a John Muir book on National Parks. What I love about reading Muir's work is how he paints a picture with words as Adams does with photography. Specifically since this work was written in the 1800's, fascinating!

Now staying calm is the task at hand lol!

OK campers, keep those blister bandages handy!


1 comment:

  1. Yea! A great adventure in the making. Hope you don't mind if I follow along :0)
