Thursday, January 6, 2011

Week 1, Winter Quarter...

Well lets just say week one of the winter quarter picked up where the last week of the fall quarter left off... most of us from the fall quarter are already putting in extra time and I am not sure the new participants really know what they are in for....

This program is so dynamic and exciting, if you are not willing to be soooo present and plan in advance for what is due you may just be spinning in circles...we learned, at least I hope most of us learned that Evergreen is not a cake walk by any means and if, just if you are present enough when you are in lecture or field service learning or processing the scientific aspects of record keeping you may get that all these parts which seem to make you crazy do indeed have meaning and focus and a trail to follow to your next step...

boy that was a long sentence...meaningful but long....

Here, this moment, this iota of existence is your opportunity to get it...are you ready?


Then step back from your day and observe....who or what is moving in your life...
What complete essence is in everything you see, taste feel....

Go outside of your comfort zone and be....

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